martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Algunos plugins jQuery

jQuery es un nuevo tipo de bibliotecas de Javascript que permite simplificar la manera de interactuar con los documentos HTML, permitiendo manejar eventos,desarrollar animaciones, y agregar interacción con la tecnología AJAX a nuestras páginas web. jQuery esta diseñado para cambiar la forma de escribir código JavaScript.

Validación de formularios

jQuery Validation.
Auto Help.
Simple jQuery form validation.
jQuery XAV - form validations.
jQuery AlphaNumeric.
Masked Input.
TypeWatch Plugin.
Text limiter for form fields.
Ajax Username Check with jQuery.

Subida de archivos

Ajax File Upload.
Multiple File Upload plugin.
jQuery File Style.
Styling an input type file.
Progress Bar Plugin.

Formularios - cajas de selección

jQuery Combobox.
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List.
Multiple Selects.
Select box manipulation.
Select Combo Plugin.
jQuery - LinkedSelect
Auto-populate multiple select boxes.
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement).

Formularios básicos, campos de entrada, chechboxes y otros

jQuery Form Plugin.
jLook Nice Forms.
Ping Plugin.
Toggle Form Text.
jQuery Field Plugin.
jQuery Form’n Field plugin.
jQuery Checkbox manipulation.
jQuery labelcheck.
3 state radio buttons.
ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin.
Watermark Input.
jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags).
jQuery SpinButton Control.
jQuery Ajax Form Builder.
jQuery Focus Fields.
jQuery Time Entry.

Hora, fecha y selectores de color

jQuery UI Datepicker.
jQuery date picker plugin.
jQuery Time Picker.
Time Picker.
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin.
Color Picker by

Complementos para votar (Rating plugins)

jQuery Star Rating Plugin.
jQuery Star Rater.
Content rater with, ajax and jQuery.
Half-Star Rating Plugin.

Complementos de búsqueda

jQuery Suggest.
jQuery Autocomplete.
jQuery Autocomplete Mod.
jQuery Autocomplete by AjaxDaddy.
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting.
jQuery Autocompleter.
AutoCompleter (Tutorial with PHP&MySQL).
quick Search jQuery Plugin.

EdiInline Edit & Editors

jQuery jFrame.
Jeditable - edit in place plugin for jQuery.
jQuery editable.
jQuery Disable Text Select Plugin.
Edit in Place with Ajax using jQuery.
jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.

Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc

jMedia - accessible multi-media embedding.
JBEdit - Ajax online Video Editor.
jQuery MP3 Plugin.
jQuery Media Plugin.
jQuery Flash Plugin.
Embed QuickTime.
SVG Integration.


jQuery lightBox plugin.
jQuery Image Strip.
jQuery slideViewer.
jQuery jqGalScroll 2.0.
jQuery - jqGalViewII.
jQuery - jqGalViewIII.
jQuery Photo Slider.
jQuery Thumbs - easily create thumbnails.
jQuery jQIR Image Replacement.
jCarousel Lite.
Interface Imagebox.
Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions.
simple jQuery Gallery.
jQuery Gallery Module.
EO Gallery.
jQuery ScrollShow.
jQuery Cycle Plugin.
jQuery Flickr.
jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin.
Zoomi - Zoomable Thumbnails.
jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly.
Image Reflection.

Google Map

jQuery Plugin googlemaps.
jMaps jQuery Maps Framework.
jQuery & Google Maps.
jQuery Maps Interface forr Google and Yahoo maps.
jQuery J Maps - by Tane Piper.


Tetris with jQuery.
jQuery Chess.
Mad Libs Word Game.
jQuery Puzzle.
jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff).

Tablas, cuadrículas etc.

jQuery ingrid.
jQuery Grid Plugin.
Table Filter - awesome!.
jQuery Tree Tables.
Expandable “Detail” Table Rows.
Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI.
jQuery Bubble.
Scrollable HTML Table.
jQuery column Manager Plugin.
jQuery tableHover Plugin.
jQuery columnHover Plugin.
jQuery Grid.
TableSorter plugin for jQuery.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.
jQuery charToTable Plugin.
jQuery Grid Column Sizing.
jQuery Grid Row Sizing.

Graficos, presentaciones etc.

jQuery Wizard Plugin .
jQuery Chart Plugin.
Bar Chart.

Bordes, esquinas, fondos

jQuery Corner.
jQuery Curvy Corner.
Nifty jQuery Corner.
Transparent Corners.
jQuery Corner Gallery.
Gradient Plugin.

Textos y enlaces

jQuery Spoiler plugin.
Text Highlighting.
Disable Text Select Plugin.
jQuery Newsticker.
Auto line-height Plugin.
Textgrad - a text gradient plugin

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